Course Overview
In the future, Dental Hygienists might finally be given a chairside nurse, and fissure sealing and ultrasonic scaling will become an Aerosol Generating Procedure (AGP) requiring excellent suction tip placement, retraction and aspiration.
Dental Therapists and Dentists may find that they wish to perform AGP’s using Dental Dam for added protection. (As per NHS and Chief Dental Officer ’s guidelines) This course has been put together to refresh the Dental Professional’s knowledge and confidence in using Dental Dam, as well as encouraging a team approach to its placement.
The four handed /close support dentistry part of this course is designed to promote safer team working, better suction tip placement and instrument transfer techniques.
The course will also benefit Dental Nurses who wish to extend their skills by placing dental dam and working four handed.
What the course covers?
- Advantages and disadvantages of Dental Dam Placement
- Different methods of placing dam and equipment needed
- The importance of isolation, for safety, visibility and patient comfort
- The advantages of close support dentistry
- Safe instrument transfer technique
- Importance of suction tip placement for retraction, optimal suction for patient comfort, visibility and reducing aerosols
- Four handed approach to dental dam placement
Once you’ve ordered
Once you have booked and paid, you will receive a password which allows you to access the course material! This will be found in your confirmation email along with the link to where to access the course.This course is in two parts – each part has its own downloadable free handbook ! On completion please answer the multi -choice questions and return with completed evaluation to for your eCPD certificate !